IONIX White Paper:

How to Implement a CTEM Program for Efficient Security Operations

Discover how to stay ahead of cyber threats by implementing a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program.

The Gartner CTEM framework is an effective way to manage and mitigate cyber risks. This white paper highlights experiences from IONIX customers using a CTEM framework to transition from a reactive to proactive cybersecurity posture. 

What’s inside?

  • Comprehensive Framework Overview:  Understand the CTEM process and the Gartner approach to proactive security. 
  • CTEM Implementation Steps: How to use context-based prioritization to mitigate risk. 
  • A New Approach to Security: Move from vulnerability based inventories to an approach based on business impact of exposure.

Get Started with CTEM Today 

Don’t let your organization fall behind. Download the IONIX CTEM white paper to protect your business from sophisticated cyber threats. 

Download the CTEM White Paper